With Second Nurture, you're on this journey with friends at your side.
2N brings the community together in unique ways, engaging young adults, parents, teens,and older members in a multi-generational tapestry called the 2N Care Collective.
Hello Friends in the Social Service and Clinical World!
Let us introduce ourselves. We are the team at Second Nurture, and as you can see, we work with communities to create circles of support around foster families who live in their town.
Creating partnerships together with social service organizations offers the clinical expertise and support needed by all stakeholders, including Cohort families, Second Nurture staff, Care Collective volunteers, and the broader Host Community. The partnership also provides outreach on 2N’s behalf to foster families they serve, and 2N directs our Cohort families to you for specialized treatments and support.
We love partnerships with other agencies. Our intention is to never reinvent the wheel, but to be like the water between the rocks, filling in the spaces between.
Here are a few forms this can take:
Clinical Expertise
Local DCF Training Services: Partnering with local Departments of Children and Families to deliver training and resources tailored to foster care needs.
Licensing Agencies: Collaborating with local licensing agencies that provide supportive services to foster families.
Therapeutic Organizations: Working with partners like A Home Within and Vista Del Mar to offer therapeutic services to stakeholders.
Outreach to Foster Families
Agency and Community Outreach: Engaging with clinics, agencies, and community organizations that serve foster populations, such as YMCAs, CASA, and similar groups, to share information about Second Nurture’s Cohorts with their staff, volunteers, and families.
Direct Outreach Templates: Using templates like Dear Foster Family and Dear Social Service Partner to request collaboration and family outreach from social service organizations.
Social Media Engagement: Leveraging social media platforms, including Facebook groups for foster families and Instagram partnerships, to connect with prospective families and amplify our mission.
Research & Best Practices
Partnering with organizations like iFoster, Center for Adoption Support and Education (CASE), and the Annie E. Casey Foundation to access cutting-edge research, resources, and best practices that support foster families and inform program development.